Meal Plans

Coming up very soon...

Hi there! I’m super thrilled to be in experimental mode right now. Let me fill you in with a secret. I’m creating and testing several keto friendly and ketogenic dishes right now so that I can share with you the best and easy to use meal plans. 

The dishes will all be prepped and cooked in 20-30 minutes and I promise you it will be gentle on you, the grocery shopper, the cook and the diner.


Please connect with me on social media, let’s discuss whatever has been working for us so far and let’s all move forward together to victory!

This is not just my journey to good health. If you are reading this, it’s your’s too.

The key to success is to focus on goals and not on obstacles. Let’s not stop until we have worked hard enough to be very proud of our achievements.

Not a diet, but a lifestyle.

The Ketogenic diet is a high fat, low carb, and moderate protein way of eating. The goal is to eliminate inflammatory foods by abstaining from all forms of added sugar, legumes, alcohol, dairy and grains. On keto we consume lean meat, seafood, eggs, vegetable, some fruits, and natural fats.

Local Farm-to-Table

Most of my meats come from Sunday Farms and I love how fresh and delicious they are in comparison to store bought chicken or lamb.
I have now started a daily ritual of taking 2 oz shots of wheatgrass and I love personally visiting the farm where Tom cultivates the wheatgrass and freezes it in cubes for us to use.
Some of my vegetables come from my backyard, some from backyards of friends and some others from farmers markets. When you start caring what goes into your body, you really start caring where your food comes from.